
Showing posts from July, 2013
“The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep.” These were the statements I had read during my school days. These lines are written by famous poet Robert Frost. I generally use to come across lovely things in life but always use to think these can be enjoyed some other time in life. Alas! The perfect time of lovely things will never arrive on this earth until and unless the problems exist. Miles to be cover. Lots to be learned and many new things need to be implemented. Knowledge is an endless process and God please give me strength to achieve it to the maximum extent I can. Serenity of inner strength gives me power to concentrate on difficult issues. My race to the perfection always fails because of some or the other hindrance around me. I ultimately end up finding out some new area where I am asked to work. In new area first I learn and then implement the learnt knowledge. After implement