Being a Hindu spiritually and born in a Hindu family: Part I

As by birth I am Hindu so, I have heard a lot about atma, parmatma and so many devi, devtas from the very childhood. The oldest memory of my that strike is 4 years of age, when I use to be busy seeing by mother doing seva puja of Lord Krishna and my grandmother attending all the God and Goddess she had in the attar of her small Puja Room. My father a stern Durga Bhakat, observed Durja Puja Paath and bhog with full devotion.
Had seen plurality of faith in the same small family consequently I very well understood at tender teenage that faith and devotion vary from individual to individual.
Studied in Catholic convent school, where religion was linear, one God, one religious book, one story and one faith. I did not find anything awkward in it although I belonged to a totally different religion. To absorb and understand whatever my moral science nun teacher taught me about God, as I had heard so many other version of God from many more respectable people in my life.
Subsequently the life expanded with many friends in the school. Some of my friends followed Islam and saw them observing Roza, celebrating Id and Sabebarat. Talked to them to know their faith and believes with excitement and curiosity.
With passage of time, I grew up and had a working life with expanded families. By now I could see that the ease with which I and my siblings accepted the people believing in different faith was not the same with all. Those who follow religion with linear faith could find hard to accept other’s faith could be accepted to some extent but those born in a religion with such diverse plurality also find difficult to accept others is hard to understand.
Today I can say that I respect my religion from the deepest core of my heart. Hinduism believes in infinity or anant. Multiple devi and devtas. Churasi lakh yoni means multiple lives. Hinduism follows the theory of birth and re-birth unique in itself, which is not seen anywhere else except Hinduism. Nothing is considered static all are considered to change with passage of time, not only earth undergoes transformation but also heaven & hell.

My subsequent thought on it will follow soon!


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