
Showing posts from 2014

Applied research work done in the department of biotechnology India

Applied research work done in the department of biotechnology India ALPANA SAHA AND IRFANA BEGUM SUB-EDITOR VIGYAN PRASAR, C-24, QUTUB INSTITUTIONAL AREA, NEW DELHI, India ABSTRACT The department of biotechnology (DBT) has undertakes, various applied work, courses, teachings, trainings, awards and fellowships to recognized the young, deprived and unemployed as well talented people in the arena of applied studies and research as well. DBT grants National Bioscience Awards for Career Development: to be given to scientists who are currently engaged in basic and applied research in biosciences & biotechnology and have made outstanding contributions in research with potential for application/ product and technology development. To recognize outstanding contributions of young scientists in basic and applied research in the areas of biosciences and biotechnology including agricultural, biomedical and environmental sciences with potential for application/product and

Macrophytes in Deccan India

Macrophytes in Deccan India Alpana Saha Sub-Editor Vigyan Prasar C-24, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016 E-mail: ; Abstract Macrophytes are the aquatic plants that are generally present in the water bodies. The macrophytic plants can range from bryophytes, pteridophytes to angiospermic plants. So, aquatic plants or macrophytes can be found both in stagnant and in flowing water. Taking position of plants in water macrophytes are broadly divided into four categories. The broad four categories are: submersed plants, leaves-floating plants, free-floating plants and rooted plants. Submersed plants have all the portions of the plant emerged inside the water body, for example, Hydrilla. Leaves-floating plants have leaves floating on the surface of the water, for example, watershield and lotus (Nymphaea). Free-floating plants have all the parts of the plants freely floating in the water body, for example, catt

Photo feature on National Science exhibition Kolkata

Audience view Inaugural ceremony  Facts of DBT DBT officials DBT exhibition Entertaining viewers  Explaining about autonomous institutions Large gathering Curious students Bose institutes Autonomous institutions of DBT Book release Proud moment

Mars and Beyond on RSTV

An inlightened discussion on celestial bodies and importance of it;s discussion with the viewers. Such programmes on Rajya Sabha TV is important.


NEWSPAPER MAKEUP ALPANA SAHA CONCEPT OF PAGE MAKE UP The appropriate arrangement of news, features, articles, pictures, photographs and editorial content on the newspaper is called the makeup of the newspaper. The makeup of papers in a newspaper is must to add a greater value to the newspaper. The makeup adds to the arrangement and appearance to the newspaper. So we can say that not only the content and text but also arrangement and appearance make a newspaper user friendly and easy to read. The first and foremost the makeup is done on paper to arrange all the items of a newspaper in an orderly manner. This helps eliminate haphazardness from the paper. Thus an appropriately arranged newspapers appeals to all and makes reader read the items easily and read more. Secondly the newspaper makeup is done to add an individual identity to a specific newspaper. This is done keeping in mind the target audience. If the target audience old and classy peop


Scientific Writing for a Newspaper INTRODUCTION A scientific writer needs to have only the good sense to recognize that the work of any scientist or scientific community is worthy of becoming a news. He/she even needs to have fallen into a deeply satisfying kind of work, which he/she is doing, that is, science writing. PLANING OF SCIENTIFIC STORY Like any other news story even the scientific news story requires a thorough planning before the write up becoming uploaded. First a writer needs to hunt for a worthy subject on which he/she is going to write. When the hunting of subject search is over then come the research work on the selected subject. If it is out of the scope and educational background of the writer, the writer should plan an interview with subject matter expert to gain certain amount of depth into the subject matter of the selected topic. Even after doing the all above work it is not necessary that the topic is worthy of being written for a newspaper. Fo

Sangeet Mohan Chadha has recommended me (Alpana Saha) on LinkedIn and I want to thank him by making it public

On 11/21/13 7:39 AM, Sangeet Mohan Chadha wrote: -------------------- Dear Alpana, I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users. Details of the Recommendation:  "Alpana did an excellent job in this position and was an asset to our organization during her tenure with the office. She has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, can work independently, and is able to effectly multi-task to ensure that all projects are completed in a timely manner."

डीबीटी द्वारा आयोजित महिला कल्याण कार्यक्रमों

डीबीटी द्वारा आयोजित महिला कल्याण कार्यक्रमों परिचय जैव प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग द्वारा आयोजित महिलाओं के कल्याण कार्यक्रमों भारत की ( डीबीटी ) सरकार देश में महिलाओं के हजारों लाभ हुआ है . या तो डीबीटी द्वारा वित्त पोषित या समर्थन कर रहे हैं , जो देश में महिलाओं के लिए लगभग 45 परियोजनाओं कर रहे हैं . इन कार्यक्रमों का उद्देश्य सामाजिक - आर्थिक स्थिति में सुधार होगा और देश की महिलाओं के लिए स्वास्थ्य सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए कर रहे हैं . मुर्गी पालन , मशरूम की खेती , फूलों की खेती , जैव उर्वरक , जैव कीटनाशकों , पशुधन खेती और अच्छा और नया रोपण सामग्री के उपयोग की तरह क्षेत्र की परियोजनाओं विभाग द्वारा समर्थित और बढ़ा रहे हैं . खनिज दुर्ग , विटामिन की खुराक और पोषक आपूर्ति की तरह मेडिकल सहायता भी प्रदान की जाती हैं . महिलाओं में आयरन और कैल्शियम की कमी की पुरानी समस्याओं को भी ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस और एनीमिया के समाधान में चिकित्सा सहायता उपलब्ध कराने के द्वारा ध्यान रखा जाता है . कैंसर जागरूकता का कार्य भी किया जा रहा है जो सबसे होनहार काम है . पशुधन खेती पशुधन पालन सहायता राष्ट्र के पांच गां

Women Welfare Programs Conducted by DBT

Women Welfare Programs Conducted by DBT ALPANA SAHA AND IRFANA BEGUM VIGYAN PRASAR C-24, QUTUB INSTITUTIONAL AREA NEW DELHI KEYWORDS: biotechnology, cultivation, farming, floriculture, projects ABSTRACT: There are approximately 11 programmes which include about 45 projects that are benefitting women basically in rural area as well as entrepreneurship support for economic empowerment of the women population of the nation. Thousands of women are being benefited with the 45 ongoing projects and the department aims at increasing this number in the coming years. The projects are taking place from the southern city like Bangalore to the valley of Kashmir. The department not only grants financial support but also provide technical training for the work they are involved in. In rural area the training are granted for biotechnological interventions in cultivation of mushroom and poultry farming like professions. There are also programmes for health and nutrition awareness.