Scientific Writing for a Newspaper


A scientific writer needs to have only the good sense to recognize that the work of any scientist or scientific community is worthy of becoming a news. He/she even needs to have fallen into a deeply satisfying kind of work, which he/she is doing, that is, science writing.


Like any other news story even the scientific news story requires a thorough planning before the write up becoming uploaded.
First a writer needs to hunt for a worthy subject on which he/she is going to write.
When the hunting of subject search is over then come the research work on the selected subject.
If it is out of the scope and educational background of the writer, the writer should plan an interview with subject matter expert to gain certain amount of depth into the subject matter of the selected topic.
Even after doing the all above work it is not necessary that the topic is worthy of being written for a newspaper. For any writing to occupy a space on the newspaper it should definitely have a news angle imbedded in it.
After taking all the above-mention aspect into care before writing the writer should take care that the write up should also be well decorated for a mass appeal.


Scientists are the original source of scientific items for news writing. The institutions and research organizations existing in the society are also a good source of scientific news. Scientific news can also be created out of scientific conferences, press releases and press conferences, funding agencies in the medical world, scientific journals, Government departments, independent organizations and International organizations.


For scientific news gathering of raw materials are done through research paper and conference presentation. Now the list of people to be interviewed is also prepared to develop the raw materials. Develop appropriate questions for to be asked to the scientist to explain main findings. If the interview with the scientist is not enough go ahead and even talk to other experts who are more vocal in communicating their work and development in the scientific world.
Always give priority to talk to the author of the paper, which has been already published and his/her work is in know of the public domain.
Even communicate to the collaborating agencies to get the added sources of the news. Questions and their clarification helps a lot in developing the article or write ups because a science writer himself or herself is not a scientist or expert of the selected topic.
Physical libraries and virtual online sources add to the research work of the scientific writer. One should always hold in mind that a science communicator is a mediator between scientist and general public.
So, a science writer should have a practice of being selective while talking or writing so that incremental and qualitative work can be done. Focus of work can definitely vary on the importance of the things coming to the common people. The focus can either be methods or result of any work. It can be outcome at some places and futuristic aspect at the other. Sometime even the commercialization front can also be the focus material.


Like any other news article. The theory of simplicity comes into play even with the scientific news. One should always highlight interesting information. Do not overload the reader with information while writing scientific news. Avoid too much explanation or academic information of the work.
Deal with all sides of a story. Mention the source but do not go into the detailing of the source.
Finally revise, re-read and improve your write ups.


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