Applied research work done in the department of biotechnology India

Applied research work done in the department of biotechnology India

The department of biotechnology (DBT) has undertakes, various applied work, courses, teachings, trainings, awards and fellowships to recognized the young, deprived and unemployed as well talented people in the arena of applied studies and research as well.
DBT grants National Bioscience Awards for Career Development: to be given to scientists who are currently engaged in basic and applied research in biosciences & biotechnology and have made outstanding contributions in research with potential for application/ product and technology development.
To recognize outstanding contributions of young scientists in basic and applied research in the areas of biosciences and biotechnology including agricultural, biomedical and environmental sciences with potential for application/product and technology development and to provide grant for research for their career development.
DBT also supports women scientists in the country who are working in the areas of Biology and Biotechnology and have made outstanding contributions in research, technology and product development for awarding Senior (One) and Young (Two) categories of ‘National Women Bio-scientist Awards.
The objective of the research is to recognize outstanding contributions of women scientists in basic and applied research in the areas of biosciences and biotechnology including agricultural, biomedical and environmental sciences with potential for application/product and technology development.
Applied education programme of the department consists of post graduate teaching programme, short term training course for upgrading skills, training in overseas laboratories, industrial training and so on.
Applied, biosciences, biotechnology, education, overseas, research, teaching, training

The department of Biotechnology (DBT) is rapidly working in the area of training and educating manpower in the country. DBT last year started a joint programme of Human resource development (HRD) in which post graduate teaching facilities are granted along with short term course training to upgrade once skill, training in overseas lab and industrial training. India is one of the pioneer countries to grant post-graduation courses along with skilled training in Biotechnology. The department has taken special steps to improve hands on skill of the students by granting applied training in various areas. This support along with financial support has strengthened the infrastructure facilities in the institutes with availability of laboratories, technical kits, references like books, journals, magazines, that is, good library facilities. Grants are also given for E-learning as well as physical demonstration methods with well aided rooms for the students to optimize the applied aspect of learning. This enhances interest among students in the science and helps them to improve their career.

Materials and methods involved in developing an applicative education process the following aspects are taken into account; like teaching tool, feedback mechanism, evaluation and support system.
Under teaching tool
Post graduate teaching programmes like masters in science, masters in technology and masters in Vet science are provided applicative help.
Feedback mechanism
Feedback mechanism play a pivotal role in turning the study process of the students involved.
Evaluation system
Apart from mentoring and monitoring a student also require constant evaluation of their progress so that appropriate developments in the academic development take place.
Support system
In addition to all the above three methods financial and infrastructural support is also required for practical implementation of all the required work.


Teaching Tool
The post graduate teaching program of DBT initially started in six universities of the nation. These teaching processes were conceived as collaborative, inter-departmental, inter-institutional process and started on the basis of central strength of teachers’ expertise, infrastructural facilities, research and development of competitive system and funding processes.
Generous grants were given for construction of libraries full of relevant journals, books and other reference materials. Due work have also taken place in the development of specialized laboratories in the institutions. Laboratories full of research and experimental materials and advance technical assistance for adequate demonstration of the practical work of the students.
Foundational teaching positions were created to provide optimum teaching assistance to the students. Even guest teachers were also recruited in the missing area of expertise existing in the present scenario.
The committee does thorough research and development for developing innovative and effective curriculum that could be uniformly adopted by all the institutions for applicative improvement in study.
Starting with teaching resolution in six universities in the year 1985 today this program is undertaking the process of training teaching manpower and students in almost 70 universities throughout nation.
To insure the future productivity of the students the admission of student in various universities takes place through common entrance exam. The entrance exams conducted for admission are All India Common Entrance Exam, JNU; Joint Entrance Exam, IIT and All India Test, Other Universities. All successful students of the entrance examination are granted scholarship.
The teaching programs conducted by the department are constantly reviewed after a frequent interval of time. The review mechanism is conducted by the advisory committee of the department. The advisory committee of DBT is composed of external teaching professionals, industrial experts, all participating universities and DBT human resource development body.

Feedback Mechanism
For effective and appropriate implementation of teaching and training process feedback mechanism is a must. In addition to physical feedback process an online feedback system for students have been implemented. This has added a great volume to the quality of applicative teaching as well as overall education process in the stream. The online feedback mechanism of the department is effective from 9th October, 2012.

Evaluation System
Since it's establishment, that is, since 1985, the department is assisting inclusive HRD mechanism for long term and short term development of the students. Apart from end term examinations, mid-term examinations are also conducted to access the progress of the student and take corrective action before the end exam so that optimum number of students have thorough concept of the course. To assess that as to how useful the evaluation and independent survey also take place. So, evaluation of student evaluation mechanism also takes place. Even the same mechanism is followed for selection of proposals that is proper evaluation before selection.

Support system
DBT grants National Bioscience Awards for Career Development: to be given to scientists who are currently engaged in basic and applied research in biosciences & biotechnology and have made outstanding contributions in research with potential for application/ product and technology development.
DBT also supports women scientists in the country who are working in the areas of Biology and Biotechnology and have made outstanding contributions in research, technology and product development for awarding Senior (One) and Young (Two) categories of ‘National Women Bio-scientist Awards.
DBT aids the student with fellowships to continue their doctoral research in various institutes and universities for proper progress in their studies. Selection of those students who should be granted fellowships is done through a screening mechanism. For 2004 onwards Biotechnology Eligibility Test is conducted in co-ordination with National Centre for Cell Science, Pune. Success of the programme can be calculated from the fact that the programme received around 6008 application in the year 2012 out of which 5604 students appeared in the examination. From 5604 students who appeared in the examination 275 are selected for award of junior research fellowship. The selected students are admitted in some national colleges, department's autonomous institutions and department's supported autonomous programmes.

The result of all the four kind of methods adopted by the department in the education process of biotechnology is significantly good. The result of last five years departments research associated programme is remarkable. It is well explained in the graph below:

Year is x axis and number of students in y axis in the graph
The table represent the correct trend of students’ participation and selection as well. This aptly indicates that the interest of the students in this stream of study has drastically increased over last half decade. This can be known by increase in participation by four fold.


The applicative approach of the department has helped a lot the students to provide effective career advancement in their life. It's scheme helps all section of the student to get due technical education in the stream with proper government support and innovative teaching mechanism.

References Accessed on 19th April, 2014


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