
Showing posts from 2013

Top 10 Worst Indian Natural Disasters

Top 10 Worst Indian Natural Disasters   INTRODUCTION India due to its geographical position has always been hit by severe kind of natural disasters. The most frequently occurring natural disasters in the nation are as follows: ·         flash floods, ·         avalanches ·         droughts, ·         famines, ·         earthquakes, ·         cyclones, ·         tsunamis, ·         diseases, ·         Floods.   FLASH FLOOD (17 JUNE 2013) In the middle of June of 2013, the flash flood and landslide severely hit the state of Uttarakhand. India has been at the receiving end of natural fury. Presence of huge number of glacial lake in the state of Uttarakhand and the extreme effect of global warming on these glacial devastated the situation.   AVALANCHES Avalanches have occurred several times in India in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Sikkim.  


TOPIC: FOOD CHAIN AND TROPIC LEVELS OBJECTIVE The objective of this script is to know the basic concept of food chain and trophic levels in various ecosystems. Concept Plants convert solar energy into chemical energy stored in food material. The transfer of food energy from plants through a series of organisms forms the food chain. A phytoplankton may be eaten by a copepod, which is eaten by a small fish, the small fish is ultimately eaten by large fish, and large fish by a swan. This is a food chain that is generally observed in rivers. In pasture grasses are eaten by grasshopper and grasshopper by a toad. In the two examples the base of the food chain is formed by a plant, which is grazed on by a herbivore, which is predated by a carnivore, which is eaten by another carnivore. In nature, food chain relationships are very complex, as one organism may form the food source of many organisms. For example, grass may be grazed on by grasshoppers as well as rabbits

How much am I influenced by the thoughts of Mary Parker Follett’s?

How much am I influenced by the thoughts of Mary Parker Follett’s? Follett had discarded the dehumanizing theories of organizational set ups. She said and argued in her writings that all mechanical methods to increase the efficiency and productivity had actually nothing to do with the productivity of the organization. No organization is governed by the scientific of managerial theories in reality. It’s not the material gain but the human bonding with positively influence the people. Soft aspect of behavior is more important. During the day’s Follett wrote her work nobody actual real it seriously. Her work was seriously read much later. During the time when Roosevelt was president his advisor Mr. Barnard undertook a deep notice of her work. Many scholars of Public administration were also influence by her. Mayo even gave the credit to her experimentation to her thought. Hawthorne experiment was conducted after being influenced by Parker Follett’s writing. So, we can say that thi


ADMINISTRATIVE THEORIES IT’S SIGNIFICANCE IN MY VIEW Administrative theories given by Taylor and Fayol in the early year were such that it aims at dehumanizing the human resource working in any organization. Taylor focused on the micro aspect of the organization and Fayol focus on the macro aspect. One took the scientific aspect and the other one took the aspect of improving the top management. One thing was very common in the two kind of study that was the aspect of Mechanization of the worker and the work environment. To bring efficiency of work and the best output they just forgot to take care of humanitarian aspect of the most important resource, i.e., the human resource for whom the efficiency and output is all about. This brings out the benefit to the capitalist at the cost of the craftsmanship of the human being. Mechanization of work environment and human beings in the name of quality and quantity adversely affects the creativity of the worker in long run. So, b


Public administration internationally is as old as Aristotle's study and in India it is as old as Kautilya or Chanakya's study. Admini''stration word literally means to administer or to manage. Earlier it was confused with the subject of Politics but it an independent subject in itself. I have been its student as early as 2003. The subject fascinated me as it had to do lot with masses. I pursued the subject in the era when the study of business administration was at boom. Business administration has a lot to do with profit making and accountability to the corporation formed but public administration has to do with policies and politics of the geography in which a public administrator has to function. It public administrator has to adhere to the constitution of the nation and function in the way so that law of the land is implemented in the most effective manner. Max weber led the foundation stone of classical public administration study. But public administration has n

Day start

I started my identity as blogger on the 1st of May 2013. Hope I stay long on the virtual world to share my thoughts and work with the world.


KEYWORDS: better, convenience, cost, shopping, online ABSTRACT: Internet has revolutionized the way we do our shopping. There are various benefits of online shopping. Three most important benefits of online shopping are listed below: 1) Convenience 2) Better prices or cost saving 3) Comprehensiveness ELABORATION: Online shopping has three advantages over the offline shopping, convenience, cost-saving, and comprehensiveness of their stock. Convenience The online shopping is a virtual space where we can buy what we want and at anytime. Comparison of products is also very easy while doing online shopping. Also, while undergoing online shopping the customer does not face business hours restriction. It is time saving as well. Better prices or cost saving The price of products sold online is much cheaper than offline markets. One can save substantial money if shopped directly from manufacturers. Using the internet, easy contact with the manufacturers can be made to buy in bulk.
WHAT LEADERSHIP MEANS TO ME? Leadership means to lead. There are different kinds of people in any team and an efficient leader can make those individuals an inseparable part of the entire team. The leader I personally appreciate is Mother Teresa. She is the most admired personally in my life. Although today she is no more but her mission of service to the poorest of the poor is still alive and make the humanity proud. She came to India from some other part of the world and made it her place of work. She opened her missionary in Kolkata to help the most deprived individual in this part of the world. Her leprosy mission was appreciated by all and sundry. She use to provide service to the person whom a normal individual use to get scared of touching in fear of getting himself of herself infection. Her orphanage became home to many new born who were found in a very miserable and filthy conditions. With passage of time, Mother Teresa became a global icon. She was an icon of p
MYSELF My name is Alpana Saha. I am second daughter to my parents. I made my parents proud in the year 2005 by completing three degrees in one and a half year. I started working as reporter at an early age of 19 years. At that time, I was working for fortnightly newspaper Priya Prabhat. My early days of work were very exciting and the lesson taught then helps me even now. After my graduation I joined a CBSE school named ‘The New Century School’ which provided me the satisfaction of building the future of the nation by sharing the knowledge I had by the hard work of my teachers, parents and seniors. My first job in Delhi was the profile of application summarizer and application digitizer. This acted as the launch pad for me in this huge city. Here I learned the corporate working condition in big multinational company. I worked in Thomson Digital as Copy Editor and was quiet satisfied with the work and profile there. There I came to know what editing is all about. My career
FEATURES PRICE AND COMPATIBILITY OF THE PRODCT NOKIA C300 MOBILE KEYWORDS: battery, Bluetooth, camera, connectivity, headphone INTRODUCTION: The Nokia C300 has the most common modern-days keyboard layout. It is simple but has good messaging and social networking features in it. FEATURES: The C300 also has a 2 megapixel fixed focus camera, built in Wi-Fi, and has internal memory of 55MB and may support by 8GB of storage on a Micro SD card and basic 2G connectivity. Special feature is that it has standard 3.5 mm headphone jack on the top side. PRICE: It costs around Rs 6740 in India. Despite its low price, the C300 is remarkably solid. COMPATIBILITY: It has no 3G support. Has good music system and FM radio. The handset supports Bluetooth 2.1. CONCLUSION: The Nokia C300 certainly has its strengths. Its keyboard is excellent, it has a good range of social networking features and its battery life isn't bad.  
“The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep.” These were the statements I had read during my school days. These lines are written by famous poet Robert Frost. I generally use to come across lovely things in life but always use to think these can be enjoyed some other time in life. Alas! The perfect time of lovely things will never arrive on this earth until and unless the problems exist. Miles to be cover. Lots to be learned and many new things need to be implemented. Knowledge is an endless process and God please give me strength to achieve it to the maximum extent I can. Serenity of inner strength gives me power to concentrate on difficult issues. My race to the perfection always fails because of some or the other hindrance around me. I ultimately end up finding out some new area where I am asked to work. In new area first I learn and then implement the learnt knowledge. After implement

Human Life

When I take a close watch on human life it appears quite strange. When you start loving the every bit of your life a sudden unwanted incidence happens and the same person get shattered to such level that every bit starts hurting the person. What an irony?? Really a big irony! But after some days if the same person is able to overcome the grave situation, he or she starts picking the every pebble of hope coming across to give meaning to the damaged life.