Administrative theories given by Taylor and Fayol in the early year were such that it aims at dehumanizing the human resource working in any organization.

Taylor focused on the micro aspect of the organization and Fayol focus on the macro aspect. One took the scientific aspect and the other one took the aspect of improving the top management.

One thing was very common in the two kind of study that was the aspect of Mechanization of the worker and the work environment. To bring efficiency of work and the best output they just forgot to take care of humanitarian aspect of the most important resource, i.e., the human resource for whom the efficiency and output is all about. This brings out the benefit to the capitalist at the cost of the craftsmanship of the human being. Mechanization of work environment and human beings in the name of quality and quantity adversely affects the creativity of the worker in long run. So, bring out the mental development of the work force and friendly environment. The above-mentioned theories were thrown out after some time by the scholars of Public administrations but in practice most of the organizations try to follow the same in their organization. These implementations can give them short term profit but they will remain losers in long run. This is a very elaborative aspect but they can notice themselves if the closely monitor the employment trend in their offices and final output in comparison to the humanitarian giants in the market.

Some aspects need to be ignored to maintain the ethical and devoted but sensitive employees in the game. Sensitivity can bring quality loss in short span but big benefit in the long run.





  1. The article is written as per my B.A. major studies of public administration and my work experience in various environments.


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