Public administration internationally is as old as Aristotle's study and in India it is as old as Kautilya or Chanakya's study. Admini''stration word literally means to administer or to manage. Earlier it was confused with the subject of Politics but it an independent subject in itself. I have been its student as early as 2003. The subject fascinated me as it had to do lot with masses. I pursued the subject in the era when the study of business administration was at boom. Business administration has a lot to do with profit making and accountability to the corporation formed but public administration has to do with policies and politics of the geography in which a public administrator has to function. It public administrator has to adhere to the constitution of the nation and function in the way so that law of the land is implemented in the most effective manner. Max weber led the foundation stone of classical public administration study. But public administration has not to do with only Weberian theory but with lot other things. With the upcoming of wars all over and much talked Watergate scandal in US. Scholars started thinking differently about effectiveness of public administration. It was made accountable and accountability became more important than hierarchical norms and red tapes'.
 It will be astonishing to know that England no proper rules for public cleaning uniformly and garbage collection till 1970's. In 80's all credit's goes to Mrs Thacker for reforming the administrative system in England. Now it is one of the most efficient administrators in the world. So, systems in any part of the world need reform. In India too administration is undergoing a good deal of transformation to make it accountable and cost effective. Because privatization is not the solution heir some business school people with good ethics and make them implement good norms in the public sector undertaking as well. The public administration as a subject is the study of public management for the public in modern terms.


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