Top 10 Worst Indian Natural Disasters

Top 10 Worst Indian Natural Disasters



India due to its geographical position has always been hit by severe kind of natural disasters. The most frequently occurring natural disasters in the nation are as follows:

·        flash floods,

·        avalanches

·        droughts,

·        famines,

·        earthquakes,

·        cyclones,

·        tsunamis,

·        diseases,

·        Floods.



In the middle of June of 2013, the flash flood and landslide severely hit the state of Uttarakhand. India has been at the receiving end of natural fury. Presence of huge number of glacial lake in the state of Uttarakhand and the extreme effect of global warming on these glacial devastated the situation.



Avalanches have occurred several times in India in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Sikkim.


DROUGHT AND FAMINE (1943, 1630-32, 1876-78, 1770)

Droughts and famines have extremely hit India in various centuries.

 In the Mughal period of Indian history there was a horrifying famine which compelled majority of citizens to starve to death. It was estimated by the nobles of Shah Jahan Empire that around 20 lakh Indian died the famine of 1632.

There was also a famine during (1770), that is, the East India Company rule in India. Millions of people died in the state of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.

In the great famine of 1876-78 approximately 80 lakhs people lost their life according to British government estimates.

Undivided Bengal once again struck with a destructive attack of famine in the year 1943. The condition of the people then became extremely critical due to non-supportive attitude of English administration.


EARTHQUAKES (1993, 2001)

On September 30, 1993, earthquake struck in the early hours of morning the state of Maharashtra. The district of Latur and Osmanabad were worst affected. Around 20 000 citizens died and 30 000 citizens were injured.

On the auspicious occasion of our 51st Republic day, disaster struck the Kutch region of Gujarat. At the early hours of 8:46 am an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 on Richter scale was felt. Approximately 20 000 people were killed and 6 lakhs were left homeless.


CYCLONES (1737, 1839, 1999)

In 1737, Kolkata witnessed one of the worst cyclones in the history of India. It is estimated that around 3 lakhs of Bengalis lost their life in this disaster.

In 1839, city of Coringa of Andhra Pradesh was hit by cyclone killing 20 000 people.

A worst kind of cyclone hit the coast of Orissa on 29 of October 1999. Officially around 10 000 people lost their life.


TSUNAMI (2004)

The Tsunami of 2004, in the Indian Ocean was one of the most powerful Tsunami in the history. Its destructive effect could be felt by 1 50 000 people in 11 different countries. In India alone around 10 000 people lost their life in one blow.


DISEASE (1899)

The outbreak of Plague in China had its impact in India when it reached Hong Kong and Gungzhou. The epidemic was initially noticed in the port cities of Mumbai, Kolkata, Karachi and Pune. Later it spread throughout the length and breadth of India.  Around 90% of the infected people lost their life.



Most of the natural disasters in India are climate related. These disasters causes massive lost of life and property. So, geography of the country cannot be changed but can certainly preventive measures can be taken by the environmentalist and scientist of the nation to avoid these calamities.










  1. This right up has been prepared with due help from some of my friend in Media and Universities doing study on natural disasters.


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